
Friday, January 2, 2009

Vampire Love...

So, I'm just going to come out and say it... Twilight it the best book i've read. I absolutely love it! I actually just finished it, and got a little depressed because it's done... but at least I have 3 more books to read! So now I understand what all the fuss was before the movie came out, because it truly is pretty fabulous. Literally the second I was done with Twilight I ran out telling my boyfriend we had to go buy the second one stat! Well, within the hour I was at Barnes and Noble buying "New Moon".  I started reading it late last night... and 180 pages later and 3:00 in the morning I had to pry it out of my hands so I could get some sleep!  Believe me, I didn't want to stop.  

I don't know if it's they way she writes or the story itself. But I really do think it was a beautifully written love story and had me consumed every minute of the day! When I first started reading Twilight, I was in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of the holidays with jewelry so I was really too exhausted at night to read. Well, I picked it up the other day and literally couldn't put it down. I read until the wee hours in the morning and then the next day I started it and wouldn't put it down until I read it all. I don't think my boyfriend knew what came over me!  Well, now that I've started the 2nd book, it's the same thing.  I will try to keep my reading to evening time though... so I can still get some things done around the house.

I am now dying to see the movie Twilight.  Since it's been out I've heard reviews on it, the only bad thing I've heard is that it's not as close to the book as people would have liked... which is weird because all the previews i've seen look pretty close to the movie.  I have to wait until Sunday night... and if you know me, that's really hard!  I really want to see it TODAY, actually yesterday...  But I have to wait until all the little elves have left my house.

So for those of you who like a good book (or series) you should really read the Twilight Books.  There are 4 of them.  Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn.  Stephanie Meyer is the author and it's interesting to read her story on how Twilight came about, (read here).  She is SO talented!  I am a BIG Harry Potter fan, and I didn't think I would find something I liked better... yes I said better!!  For those of you who know me, I've been larger then a Harry Potter fan over the years.  So this is pretty big that I found something I like more and have found a love affair at the same time!  I can't even put into words how I feel about Edward, Stephanie does such a perfect job.  I can't wait to get back to my book tonight.

Did I mention how excited I am to see the movie?

1 comment:

courtney jade said...

ahhh i loved the movie!!! i haven't read the books yet, but the movie was very well done :) at some points, I'd say the acting was a wee bit amateurish, but if you push that aside, it's a great film!! Mark loved it too! The cinematography is beautiful [i know you'll appreciate that!]. Enjoy!!!