
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Checking the list

Hi All! It's been way to long as usual. I'm getting really tired of hearing myself say that. I really need to fix this..... But time just doesn't seem to slow down! And I'm realizing a full time job, making jewelry, doing photography and seeing friends/family really takes up more time then I even have. Not sure how I squeeze it all in! Good thing I'm single right now. Wait... did I just say that? haha

I thought it's about time to check in and see how I'm doing on my list. It was a big one and I read through it a couple weeks ago and thought I was doing pretty good! Like my good friend Courtney says, she loves lists. The best part about lists is checking them off! Although she is much better at it then me :)

So here goes:
  1. empty 2nd bedroom for new roomy (in the process) - DONE! Roomy moved in and things are great :)
  2. family photo shoots for friends (3 booked next weekend, 1 the following!) - Shoots all done and edited... phew!
  3. edit Jacoby pics (hoping to finish some tonight) - DONE! They turned out as cute as can be. He's such a handsome little man.
  4. goodwill run to drop off my car FULL of stuff- DONE! Filled my car to the ceiling! (Literally!!)
  5. carve pumpkins with friends - DONE! Had a blast and carved an awesome "O" for the ducks :)
  6. post a tutorial on how I made my headboard - eeeks..... slacking on this one. Still need to take time to do this.
  7. go on a date? (haha, currently nothing planned) - I guess I can say I went out on a date :)
  8. celebrate dad's birthday (which is today!) - Of course I celebrated Dad's b-day! Although I think divulging his age might put me in danger.
  9. buy my new iMac! - DONE! Just got it a couple weeks ago and it is GORGEOUS!!! I'm typing on it right now and I can't wait for my new desk to arrive this week.
  10. continue to work on health & gym workouts... (lost 14lbs so far... and continuing) - OH YEAH!!! I'm actually at 25lbs now! And still continuing to improve on health. Needing to hit the gym more too :)
  11. make some new jewelry - DONE! Made some really cool new jewelry for Christmas and truly enjoyed it this year.
  12. work on jewelry website - Arg... didn't quite make this one. Can I have some more time in my days please?
  13. work on photography website - See above. Although I'm probably closer at finishing this one.
  14. buy a new camera bag (or patiently wait until Christmas) - Patience pays off you know. I got my beautiful camera bag for christmas from Epiphani!
  15. build a newsletter - Shoot. Still need to do this as well.
  16. build a few giveaways for website launch! - And this.
  17. start planning jewelry open house for december - DONE! Had a great party with amazing talented friends that joined me!
  18. look into a photo session for myself! - Yes, I've looked into it, but I'm still a long ways off.
  19. organize my studio (Tayler has offered to help again.... YAY!) - Well..... it's gotten a little better, but still in the works.
  20. go to a movie (feels like forever since I've been) - DONE! Went to a couple movies :)
  21. connect with friends I haven't seen in a while - DONE! Got to see a lot of great friends at the end of last year.
  22. love on Bentley (ongoing and ongoing and ongoing...) - DONE, DONE and DONE... and of course ongoing. He's the cutest sweetest puppers ever. I am so lucky to have him! He makes me smile everyday.
  23. frame a bunch of pictures and build a photo montage in my living room
  24. clean my carpets - DONE! Didn't turn out quite like I had wanted... but it's still better then before.
  25. make more ducks & beaver jewelry - DONE! Sold more Duck and Beaver jewelry then ever before!
  26. make some jewelry to bring in to Avenue 5 - DONE! I can't even tell you how happy I have to check this one off this list. I am now in a gorgeous store downtown and the 2 owners couldn't be nicer!
  27. wash my car - Although I don't recall... I'm sure this got done. But, it could really use it again right about now.
  28. go to a concert - Does the nutcracker and A Christmas Story play count? Probably not, but equally as fabulous!
  29. do a total makeover on my bedroom closet (might have to call Tayler for this one too....) - Still in the works :(

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